Month: August 2019

A couple of days off

Was going to bring a KettleBell to the Lakes but decided that walking, canoeing, stretching and chilling was a better option.Spending quality family time was a major part of why I stopped at HG3. Am really enthusiastic about the new kettlebell routines but it is not what defines me.

Up to 34kg on the swings and TGUs.

Another good week

Managed to finish off the garage and install some rubber matting.

Weight down to 98.8kg, so 8kg lost and feeling great. Noticeably less flab around the midriff.

Also got my copy of Pavel’s latest book – The Quick and the Dead’. Shipped from Amazon US.

Very interesting read so far and I will definitely be incorporating some power push-ups into my routines.

Simply done and a Pistol!

Did S&S will 31kg a couple of times last week and upped it to 32kg last night. Felt good and finished the TGUs with plenty of time to spare. I plan on adding 1kg a week, as long as my form stays solid.

Trained at Big Kat on Saturday and also Monday. Did the stretching before the class on Saturday and managed my first ever unassisted Pistol Squat. Used an 8kg KB for balance. Training was a double KB jerk ladder, one minute with one rest, ascending from 10 reps to 24 over 15 rounds. Made that 255 reps with the pair of 12s.

Monday was double jerks again, 10 sets of a minute with a minute rest, at 16kg.

Stayed with the 16kg for a 10 minute snatch test. Managed 156 reps with only 1 change and no blisters.

Weighed in at 99.6kg this morning, so the gradual weight loss continues.