Month: November 2019

Super Saturday

Got a very pleasant surprise when my son came up from London on Friday evening to stay the weekend.

He loves his gym sessions so I made enquiries about his coming along to the Big Kat Saturday morning session.

He met big Chris, Jonnie, Tracey, Jeff and Chris and was made very welcome.

Lots of stretching, followed by a snatch focus. Started with 3 minute sets – swing/snatch, moving to 2 minutes of swings as the weights got heavy. He still kept the hard style drop but quickly gained the idea of a double dip and a strong spare arm sweep to assist the weightlessness of the bell. He moved up to a very comfortable last set with the 18kg.

I managed to do a couple of minutes with a 32kg bell and we both left very happy, especially after we got a piece of Tracey’s luscious chocolate slice.

I decided to join the English Kettlebell Association.

Goal setting for next year started early! Definitely a ranking…

2nd Grassroots Competition

Competed at another Grassroots competition held at the Workhorse Gym in Malton yesterday.

Decided to use double 16kg for the jerk and long cycle, after trying out a test 5 mins on Saturday morning training. Was happy that I got through the full 5 minutes and made me realise how much I have improved since I started.

Was determined to make a PB with the 20kg snatch, having previously done 99 reps in training and 87 reps at the last grassroots. Went out hard and tried to listen to Chris’s advice and encouragement. Managed 114 reps so was very pleased. I now have to move on to 24kg snatches.

The guys who hosted the event have a great gym and a couple of lovely dogs.

Made me realise the commitment in running these events. Certainly a labour of love rather than for financial reward. Thanks to Dave and particularly Chris.

Sports Therapy

Have been enjoying training whilst off work but also doing some tiling and car wheel refurb. Weight is down to 97kg and my belt is getting looser 😉

Thought it about time I visited Rob for another sports massage. Quite conveniently placed in HG3, Rob spends a few minutes catching up and assessing the ‘damage’ (normally my back and shoulders are tight), followed by 45-50 minutes of intensive massage, finishing with a few minutes of relax (as I gently get off the table) and a few ideas for follow up exercises.

Can’t rate him highly enough and only wish I could afford more regular sessions.


Feel as though I am really starting to make some progress. Am really enjoying the training and seeing results. My weight is static around 98kg but I can feel the fat reduction around my midline.

Technique is improving through the continuous queues from Chris at Big Kat. Decided to get a t-shirt and a weight lifting belt from Tracey.

Looking forward to seeing how the club members get on in the World’s at Serbia later in the week.

Found an interesting graphic that explains my progress. Definitely moving in to awareness and taking some steps in to Concious Competence.


Have continued to train at Big Kat and with Rudds. I am still on a steep learning curve with the Sports technique but managed to pick up a couple of Jordan KBs on eBay

I can strict press the 36kg on my right arm and am nearly there on my left.

Am hoping to work on a good routine to progressy overhead lifting and keep good shoulder health.

Definitely better training indoors, although I did a bit of outdoor work when on holiday in Northumberland.